Who is Nigel Radcliffe?
Nigel Radcliffe is arguably the leading expert in the UK on matters concerning substance misuse and child protection and substance misuse in the work place. He is also an expert in working with people in crisis and early recovery.
The function of this website is to outline and detail the absolutely unique depth of experience I have in both areas and to highlight the services I offer to professionals through myself and my associates. These sevices include:
- Individual, family assessment, counselling in early recovery
- Assessments of risk in legal proceedings involving substance misusing parents and their children
- Reports to the court in relation to child care proceedings
- Consultancies to social care professionals and probation officers in respect of substance misusing clients
- Assessments for companies in respect of substance misusing individuals in the work place, with particular emphasis on safety-critical or safety-related occupations
- Training for health and social care professionals in regard to working with substance misusing individuals, adolescents and families
The uniqueness of Nigel Radcliffe’s services, which have for over fifteen years now been utilised widely within the East London and particularly Essex areas, lies in the unprecedented range of experience that he brings to these fields: individual addictions, substance misuse and child protection and substance misuse in the work place.
Why is this service so highly sought after? Simply because the level and depth of Nigel’s first hand knowledge is unparalleled. No one in the UK has the sheer breadth of his experience in so many arenas where substance abuse is a factor. Personal harm minimisation, concept rehab, social work, the law, 12 step recovery, co-occurring disorders, STDs, HIV, drug testing, fellowships and so on.
Putting it simply – This service is invaluable and unrivalled because it is impossible for substance misusers to deceive or mislead someone that has more knowledge and experience of the subject than they do. All assessments are backed up by the latest drug and alcohol testing techniques all administered to chain of custody standards.